After block is prepped and cleaned, the oil squirters are installed and torqued w/loctite. Then the block side main brg shells are installed w/assembly lube and crank is laid. Then brg caps are fitted with brg shell and plastigaged to check radial clearance.
Close-up of plastigage measurement (0.03-0.08mm new parts spec).
Once all main brg tolerances are checked the caps are installed w/assembly lube and torqued to spec w/new main cap bolts (48ft/lbs + 90*).
Next it's time to mate the Rosten H-beam rods to the PD150 pistons.
Rods #1 and #4 mated to their respective pistons.
Rod bearings being installed on rods and rod caps. Rod side is lubed w/assembly lube, cap is left lube free until plastigage measurements are taken.
Rod plastigage measurements.
Once rod brg axial clearances are checked caps are installed w/assembly lube and torqued to spec, in this case w/new ARP rod bolts (30ft/lbs).
And now it's on to pistons #2 and #3.
Installed in block.
After checking radial clearances caps are torqued to spec.
Oil pan baffle and T4 oil pump installed.
Short block loaded with PD150 pistons and Rosten H-beam rods.
T4 oil pan installed and buttoned up, short block complete.
Clutch pedal assembly installed (automatic van remember?).
Pedal potentiometer installed at top of accel. pedal bracket. Viewed from below, lighted from above.
Pedal pot. installation viewed from above
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