Looks like TDI EVC camping heaven to me:
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Joshua Tree a few days post conversion |
The starting point: 95 Eurovan EVC stock w/5-cyl gas engine and 5-spd trans
The engine build: 1.9l AHU / PD 150 / ALH hybrid engine:
- initial block prep
4-cyl EV engine mount test fitted to verify fitment.
AHU engine block being modded for T4 4-cyl dip stick tube.
- Engine build bench
Rosten Rods and PD150 0.025mm O/S pistons. Oil squirters below rods.
Main bearings radial clearances being spec'ed with plastigage.
Crank is laid and new main bearing cap bolts installed. 48 ft/lbs + 90*
"And then a smote of sunlight shone down from above and bequeathed upon thy piston crown a tenure of wisdom and a wisp of the divine."
Duderomoty 3:16
Pistons #2 and 3 installed.
AHU oil squirters had to be modded to fit the PD pistons. Note the squirter on the far R and how the angle of the jet is a few degrees to the R of center rather than a few degrees to the L of center. Bending these is no easy task due to their fragility and requires quite a bit of patience, skill and experience.
Oil squirters.
Crank line and rod caps #2 / #3.
Rod radial clearances being measured.
All 4 pistons installed, glowing upon the glory.
Piston height projection being measured. All 4 pistons are measured at TDC, the average taken and then the head gasket selected.
Freshly rebuilt AHU cylinder head degreased and awaiting installation.
ARP head studs being lubed and staged.
3-notch head gasket selected and installed.
Head ready to install.
ARP instructions/torque sequence.
Head installed and studs torqued.
Long block bolted together.
Oil filter flange and V6 Passat oil cooler installed.
Crank bolt and front crank flange installed.
Long block in repose.
4-cyl EV oil pump installed.
Oil pan baffle and oil pump.
Long block with dipstick tube visible.
Block heater installed.
02B transmission rebuild at German Transaxle. 4.23 R&P w/ 0.658 5th gear.
02B ready to roll.
ALH intake manifold and VNT-15 turbo installed. EGT probe installed.
Outlet of turbo is going in exactly the wrong direction for a T4 install so we need to clock the cold side housing 180*.
VNT-15 turbo compressor housing clocked 180*.
Special top secret Colt Cam wrapped up.
Oh that black nitride treatment is sexy....
And installed. The black nitride coating is for reduced friction and improved strength and wear.
Intercooler pipe from AHU test fit on clocked AHU turbo. Thumbs up on game plan!
Engine timing set and bolts torqued to spec.
Engine timed, torqued and awaiting top small roller for final.
AHU 228 single mass flywheel. Freshly turned and snazzy, ready to install.
New Sachs G60 Corrado pressure plate.
Pressure plate de-greased and ready for install.
Flywheel installed always with new TTY bolts. Torqued to 44 ft/lbs + 90*.
G60 Corrado clutch disc and clutch alignment tool.
Pressure plate installed and new bolts torqued following diagonal pattern.
Time to mate transmission.
Getting close.
Almost there.
Fully seated and bolts torqued to spec. Now time to get aerial and set on high rise dolly to install into van.
Lowered onto dolly.
Carefully positioned under van.
And van lowered very slowly down onto its quarry.
All the way down until the mounts mate up with the frame mounting ears. Piece of cake. ;-)
Engine bolted to frame, hanging on its own accord.
Engine from above.
And from R side looking towards L.
Far R side of engine showing copious amount of room here for belt service.
Plenty of room for comfort. This is the first 4-cyl VNT TDI Eurovan conversion I've ever heard of and I can soundly say that the stock ALH turbo, the VNT-15 physically fits in the T4 sans modifications, other than the oil supply line. Please note also that the engine is all the way back towards the firewall in this pic. The mounts are slotted fore/aft about 1" so there is quite a bit of wiggle possible.
Another shot of VNT turbo showing clearance.
Intercooler time:
Straight edge T-square bolted to the bumper cover. 2x, 3x, 4x measure and then cut.Roto-zip tool used to make quick work of this hard plastic. Intercooler fastened via blind bolt in actual bumper from above.
Electrical funtime:
Oh yes, this is where the rubber meets the road, the fat hits the pan, the wheat from the chaff, etc, etc.TDI B4 Passat cluster installed and wired up.
Sneak peak at pedal potentiometer install deep down below the sock looking ducting insulation.
Clean palette for TDI cluster and all dash mods.
And when we have a dull moment there's always all this to take care of:
Front end suspension/steering overhaul 251:
Tie rod boots were torn both sides. And with 260k miles there was enough reason to replace complete assemblies with new ones.Torn rack boots = gritty inner tie rods = sloppy steering/tracking
New tie rod assembly installed L side.
Lower ball joint R side w/ torn boot.
Lower ball joint L side w/ torn boot.
Upper ball joint R side. Original w/ untorn boot but when you're in this far it only makes sense....
Time to get out the really fancy tools....
T4 upper ball joint removal/installation tool. Wow is this thing sweet--and expensive!
Upper ball joint being pressed out.
Upper ball joint being pressed in.
Almost there.
The other side.
Misc. suspension parts replaced: Upper ball joints, outer; sway bar link middle top, lower ball joint middle bottom.
When you're in this deep, new wheel bearings pressed into the knuckle seems like a foregone conclusion....
New lower ball joints installed.
And who among us would complain about two completely new drive axle assemblies?
L side suspension/steering work complete.
Here's what a completely rebuilt front end looks like: new tie rod assemblies (ends and inners), new steering rack boots, new upper & lower ball joints, new drive axle assembly with rotors turned and new brake pads to boot.
Battery isolator upgrade:
Stock EVC lame-ass battery isolator being eyeballed for removal.And a new SurePower 115 "smart" battery isolator installed in its place.
Finished view of new battery isolator and new Bosch battery--only the best fur dich!
New owner Stefan installing the sweet new Nokian enTyres and VW Passat alloy rims.
In a rare public appearance without a beesuit on, Justin installing the last few riv-nuts for the 8' Fiamma awning--Eurovan campers just look naked without them IMO.
Fuel tank mods:
And if that wasn't enough fun for one day, time to yank the tank and mod for diesel.This was one of the dirtiest jobs I've done in awhile. This pile of road debris crud/cake is from the top and sides of the tank. Several pounds of dirt. At least the van will be lighter now!
Modifying fuel filler neck to accept diesel nozzle. Filler cap housing needs to be removed.
Yes that means you.
Reducer close-up.
Sorry reducer, we don't need you any longer. Shop ornament is your future.
Ahh, that's better. Now plenty or room for a high flow diesel filler nozzle.
Filler cap housing reinstalled.
Gas fuel pump delete:
Fuel level sender/pump assembly is removed and disassembled to take pump out of the circuit.100% Viton fuel hoses are installed into modified sender.
Shift linkage restoration:
Rebuild shift linkage. All bushings/serviceable parts removed, lubed and replaced with new bushing kit.Small ball being installed, rolled pin on the way in.
Well before I bought this rig, some knuckle head had tried to clean the windshield with what seemed like scotch bright, leaving a large hazed section in the field of view. Remedy: New windshield.
New windshield being fitted with gasket.
Presto Change-O! New windshield installed and glued into place.
Badge 00:30 and on the road:
Finally the long awaited time has arrived: to christen this rig with its new birthright.
Beautiful job and nice documentation. What is the new owner reporting for performance and mileage?